1.the range of volume used within a single piece of music
2.the range over which an electronic audio system can operate to a set standard of performance based on given limits for noise and distortion
1.For a voice signal should be referred to as the "program signal dynamic range. "
2.Only an accurate understanding of the dynamic range of the various sound signals to be able to conduct high-quality recording and playback.
3.The visual system is able to perceive details in an environment with a high dynamic range by means of local adaptation.
4.In digitals, the attack velocity isn't all that important because you are dealing with a fairly narrow dynamic range.
5.This should allow you to enjoy the full benefits of your display and get the most dynamic range out of your DVDs.
6.Previously common programme is to reduce the dynamic range (plus or minus rate) changes, managed to reduce the total system's non-linear.
7.There is a contradiction between the wide dynamic range of IR source and the small of it for display in the thermal imaging system.
8.Dynamic range is the speed of scanning on a numeric sensor, especially in the dark area.
9.When the system is in critical state as the bandlimited white noise increases the phase state graph extends its dynamic range.
10.Relating to the volume of sound produced by an instrument, voice, or recording. - an astounding dynamic range.